Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How to Make a CD Disco Ball

I'm thinking of putting up a few disco ball at Fernvale to create a more realistic Retro look, found some articles off the eHow-to web. This might be useful for those if you have a tight budget to buy it off-the-shelf.

Things You’ll Need:
Large Styrofoam Balls With Hanger
Colored Light Bulbs
Flood Lighting
Glue Guns
Hot Glue Sticks
Cutting Boards
X-Acto Knives
Straightedges Ruler
thin, strong ropes

Step-by-Step guide:
1) Cut up old CDs into 1/2-inch or 1-centimeter squares.
2) Glue them to the outside of some kind of ball or spherical object
3) Put a string through the spherical object and hang it from the rafters.
4) Shine lights (ideally multicolored) onto the ball.
5) Bingo! Disco ball.

1 comment:

Prissilia Kho said...

hahahhaha u wanna put this? joon bo... :D